Crypto.com vs Haru Invest: Earn Interest Rates Comparison
Interest rates comparison of Crypto.com vs Haru Invest. Compare the base and max APY / APR of each supported cryptocurrencies, and find the best place to earn on your crypto.
Haru Invest has halted any deposit and withdrawal requests, starting from June 13, 2023, at 0:40 UTC; Haru Announcement
Table scrolls horizontally
Base or Max APR
6.50% (4.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
5.00% (3.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)

(Base APR paid in kind)
6.50% (4.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
14.00% (12.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
10.50% (8.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)

(Base APR paid in kind)
50.00% - requires locking asset for 3 months
(Max APR)
3.50% (1.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
7.00% (5.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
6.00% on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms - requires locking asset for 3 months
(Max APR)
8.50% (6.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
14.00% (12.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
8.00% (6.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
7.50% (5.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
7.00% (5.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
6.50% (4.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
6.50% (4.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
5.00% (3.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
9.00% (7.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)

(Base APR paid in kind)
8.50% (6.50% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)

(Base APR paid in kind)
8.00% on up to $500,000
(Max APR)
8.00% on up to $500,000
(Max APR)
6.50% on up to $500,000
(Max APR)
4.00% (2.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
(Max APR)
8.00% (6.00% in kind + 2% in CRO) on first $3,000 of total assets in fixed terms
(Max APR)
* Crypto.com: the max APR of each coin (except CRO) requires locking asset for 3 months, and staking (holding for 6 months) $40,000 worth of CRO
* Haru Invest: the max APR of each coin requires locking asset for 365 daysSign Up Bonuses
Sign up through this link using referral code 6k4dx8gb6c. Stake (deposit for 6 months) $400 in CRO for the ruby card tier or above, and you'll receive $25 in CRO.
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